Monday, August 15, 2011

American Idol judges - praise / criticisms?

I couldnt agree with every single word you said more and lemme tell you why. Steven Tyler love him but i dont see the point in him being their cause he doesnt give constuctive crticism. Randy is trying to take the place of Simon as the villian and its not working out. The instruction criticism he does give the contestants are so far off its ridiculous. Jennifer Lopez is a beautiful woman, a great dancer, and she is good at showmanship but she has never been the best singer out their. I dont even think she is good enough to be judging anybody else and telling them they suck and she probably feels the same way about herself which is why she is constantly saying positive and not giving constuctive criticism. None of these judges help the contestants progress and your right they are boring. I really miss Simon because he was the only one that kept it real. Paula couldve easily been replaced i mean then getting Jennifer to take her place was still a step up. Here is what i think. Kanye West is probably one of the most hated people in America. He speaks the truth but he is so arrogant. If i could pick my all-star judges panel it would be Kanye West as a simon. Patty Labelle replacing Paula. Patty dont play. She will give a compliment but if you suck she will not hesitate to tell you, and Piers Morgan from Americas Got Talent. When a show like this is giving the winner 1 million dollars theirs no need for being nice. They need constructive criticism and if they cant take the heat they shouldve never signed up. I dont think Pia shouldve went home. Now im with Casey Abrams since Pia is gone and if he leaves imma stop watching all together.

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